Construction Dumpster Rental Services Charleston SC

Can A Construction Dumpster Sit on the Street?

Sometimes construction sites can have very limited space and the street might appear to be the only option. Also, having a dumpster on the street can be really convenient for many construction jobs. Most neighborhoods around the Charleston area will allow a dumpster on the street, but usually, there are specific rules and some paperwork that needs to be filed.

A “right of way permit” should be investigated before you make the determination about where to put the dumpster. Before you simply Google “construction dumpster rental near me” and have it delivered, it is best to know what you can and can't do.

The Information That You Will Need

Before you place a construction dumpster anywhere, contact your local permitting office with the following information on hand:

  • How long you will need a dumpster rental
  • The exact location and address where you want to place the dumpster
  • The construction dumpster company’s address, name, and phone number

The good news is that obtaining a permit can usually be taken care of over the phone or online, especially in the COVID-19 era.

Common Regulations, Limitations, and Rules

Even if you are allowed to park your construction dumpster on the street, it isn’t an anything-goes process. There are certain rules that have to be followed:

  • Reflectors and traffic cones must be placed both in front of and behind a construction dumpster
  • The dumpster cannot be placed in “no-loading” spaces, in front of fire hydrants, bus stops, parking meters, valet areas, or any other access points
  • The dumpster needs to be removed before the expiration date of the permit expiration
  • You may have to supply a drawing or sketch of the dumpster’s placement for examination

Following the specific rules outlined is the best way to ensure that you don’t obtain a fine or ticket, or worse; you are forced to remove the dumpster before the job is finished.

Most of the same rules apply when the dumpster is placed in the right of way on sidewalks, commercial and public spaces, and alleyways too. The only way to really ensure that you are within the law is to have Trash Gurl help you through the approval process.

Construction dumpsters are a huge convenience on your construction site to keep things clean and tidy, but there are specific rules about where they can be placed and how to maintain them.

It isn’t enough to simply Google “construction dumpster rental near me” and place an order. Make sure that you find a reputable company like Trash Gurl who is willing to help with the permit process and ensure that things go as smoothly as possible. Contact us today to plan your next construction job's trash management needs.