Dumpster Rental Prices in Charleston SC

Why Are Dumpster Rental Prices Going Up?

As we close the door on the pandemic and social distancing, we are all holding our collective breath about what the future will bring. Gas prices continue to rise, driving up the cost of living. If it seems like everything is becoming more expensive, there is a reason: it is. With every product and service, you have to adjust for price increases. Dumpster rentals are no different. Dumpsters require a lot of fuel to move from one place to the next, and then you add in labor shortage issues. It’s no wonder that when you Google “dumpster rental prices near me,” you might have some sticker shock. These are all reasons why dumpster rental costs are rising.

Investment Costs

When a company is significantly cheaper than their competitors, it’s usually because they are using old and outdated equipment. There is a difference between cheap and cost-competitive, and we always try to keep costs low so that we can pass the savings onto our customers. But we never do this by using subpar equipment or old and aging dumpsters that come with a host of issues. When we invest in ourselves by upgrading, we believe we provide you with a better service. So sometimes cheap doesn’t cut it!

Fuel Costs

If there is one thing that is the most noticeable in the economy and our monthly costs since COVID isolation ended, it is fuel costs. Between the tension overseas and our supply chain issues, gas prices have continually escalated to a point where most dumpster companies can’t absorb the costs. When you consider how much it costs to transport a dumpster and how fuel prices have driven up costs for dumpster companies, it only makes sense that they have to adjust accordingly. That doesn’t mean price gouging; it just means that they have to continue to be profitable to exist!

COVID Residual Costs

When COVID was in full swing and no one was really doing much of anything, costs remained low, but as many businesses reopen, they are finding that everything from labor to material costs have risen. There are many residual expenses that come from being out of operation for nearly two years. We are all just adjusting to the new normal.

If it seems like the cost of everything is rising, it is. As we roll into the post-pandemic economy, things have changed considerably. From higher labor costs and shortages to escalating fuel charges, Googling “dumpster rental prices near me” might come with sticker shock. At Trash Gurl, our mission is to stay cost-competitive, but not by offering a cheap service – because even in the dumpster rental business, you get what you pay for.

What you can rely on is that we will always offer the best price without sacrificing quality or customer service, because we care. Trash Gurl is the company you can rely on regardless of the economic atmosphere. We always deliver the highest-quality service at the best price. Contact us to reserve your dumpster rental today.